Application is now open!

Program Highlights
This annual scholarship is only offered to NorCal UVSA Summit participants in partnership with the United Vietnamese Student Associations of Northern California.
Please email scholarships@vingo.ngo to find out more.
Promoting the benefits of bilingualism
Applicants are encouraged to share their journey of second language acquisition outside of English, and the importance of being a bilingual/multilingual leader in the 21st century.
Embracing cultural intelligence in young leaders
The Vingo scholarship promotes the connections between culture, heritage, and education and vehicles towards opportunities to empower future leaders.
Building Asian American leadership capacity
The Vingo scholarship is a highly selective award to empower Vietnamese and Asian American young leaders to experience professional training and expand their horizons.
To apply, students must:
Participate in the Annual NorCal UVSA Summit.
Attending one of the NorCal UVSA affiliated colleges.
Complete and submit the scholarship application form online.
An ideal candidate will have:
Associated or participated in a college VSA
An outstanding academic record
Demonstrated leadership ability (e.g., as shown through participation in community service, extracurricular, or other activities)
Exceptional personal success skills (e.g., emotional maturity, motivation, perseverance, etc.)